Monthly Archives: March 2013

Hi Ho hi Ho



Vintage puzzles. These came from a house clearance and ended up in my local charity shop. I was attracted to the boxes and the puzzles,put together by my brother, of course bare no resemblance to the image on the front!I found an old family photo frame that the puzzle fitted perfectly and the colours inspired the decor in my bedroom.They are a true delight and testament to my belief that inspiration can be found anywhere,as long as your eyes are open to all!

From A to Biba


My heart still leaps at the memory of my trip to Biba in London when I was a teenager,many moons ago.I remember deciding there and then that I wanted my future career to be in the world of fashion.Imagine my joy on visiting the recent Biba exhibition in Brighton, when I realised that a vintage dress pattern I had was illustrated by non other than Barbara Hulanicki herself. image





Today’s treasure.


Today's treasure.

Just found this in charity shop. Saw it late yesterday and did bit of research on label which is Mansfield ( a Frank Russell original). Seems its late 60s early 70s by the look of it. Sleeves are three quarter length and fabric feels like a Crimpelene. Anyway, important thing is I love it.

Gay Paris


Gay Paris

Found these in amongst a pile of flower prints in the delightful Snoopers Paradise in Brighton. A friend had given me an enchanting framed print of Paris and this led to my idea of creating a Paris feature wall in my home. I had fun finding frames in charity shops and distressed each one to give a vintage look overall. C,est magnifique!

What, where and more importantly, who?


Found this in a local charity shop, its everything I love about vintage. Have been told its probably made from stingray or sharkskin and may date from 1930s or 40s. Inside,just to add to my joy,was an envelope dated 1946,a clothing coupon from wartime,a suspender belt clasp and even an unsmoked Rollie!…how I would love to know more about this bag and its previous owner.just as a footnote,the manager of the shop found the bag out in the bins as staff thought it was not sellable. Mon Dieu!!