Sunshine,South Bank and much Vintage Attitude


Saturday saw me at The Classic Car Boot Sale on London’s South Bank. What a fabulous day it was….in every way….because after a nerve shredding day of rain on Friday I set off very early on Saturday morning with much trepidation and lots of polythene sheeting! But someone was on our side because as I stepped out of Waterloo station,the sun was shining and the sky was blue. Hurrah!

My stall was soon set up with fellow up-cyclers and next to an adorable little Fiat from 1972.




Fellow upcyclers.

I chatted to so many people that my voice was fading by mid afternoon and the queues stretched away along the pavement. I did get a few photos but would have liked more but of course I was happily chatting about and selling my wares.
Here are some images I managed to get.




Just wanted to partake of tea and cake here.


Shady character selling nylons on a bin!!

Scooter boys …..and girls.

My favourite car… cute!

Pink Cadillac…..of course!

And the nicest thing was meeting Kate from MasonBently who was the first person to follow my blog. So good to put a face to a name and here’s to our next meeting and the next Classic Car Boot of course!
I was very restrained and didn’t buy any clothes but when I saw this I could not resist….

I grew up with this magazine rack in our living room and have vivid memories of trying to say the French words as a child. It used to hold The Radio Times I seem to remember but I think it’s perfect for some of my vinyl collection….French music, of course.

11 responses »

    • Thank you for comparing me to Prada! My dress was cut from a Thunderbirds quilt cover and appliquéd onto one of my vintage fabrics. Thunderbirds was a cult tv programme for kids in the 1960s. I always wanted to be Lady Penelope. That’s her on my dress. Check it out if you don’t know it already…..and yes…it was lovely to meet up with Kate. Good day all round! X

  1. I’m drawn to the shady character with the suitcase of stockings… and the boy in the painting resting on the boot of the vehicle…and whatever those squares were with the maps…and the red Broadcast record player-oooh lovely.

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