Tag Archives: older models

Glad To Be Grey


This weekend I had yet another birthday! Is it me or do they seem to come round more often as we grow older? During this past year I made what for me was a huge decision…..I stopped dying my hair and learned to live with my natural colour,grey…..I prefer silver…..but either way it’s not red, which I have been for as long as I can remember. I have to say I have found it liberating with no more shoving poison on my head every 6 weeks or so and as long as my cut stays on trend I don’t feel it’s ageing which was my biggest fear. So thank you to Jean Paul Gaultier for putting grey hair and particularly on older models on the Paris catwalk a few days ago.

It’s joyful!
However I don’t want to rant on about grey hair but I would like to share some images of the beauty that can be found in things as time marches on….

The West Pier Brighton has captured my heart since I first saw it many moons ago and I have watched her demise with great sadness but I still find the structure utterly beautiful…


The following photos I took at the weekend while visiting Brighton for my birthday…..





I guess what I am trying to say is I feel drawn to this heartbreaking structure because we are both survivors. Life or the sea can batter us at times….I bought up 2 kids on my own through Thatchers Britain….not for the faint hearted…and I am learning every day to cope with getting older on the outside…inside is still 24!…..but me and my beloved West Pier are hanging on in there…..
